Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Beginning to See the Light

Although God is omnipresent, we must remember that there are degrees of the fullness of His presence we can enjoy and experience. He gives us as much of His presence as we are able to receive. Although His light never goes out, we sometimes do things that separate us from the fullness of His life and cause His light to appear dim in our lives.

King David always knew that the light on his path came from God. He was still God's anointed no matter how dark it got. Even when he made bad choices, he had a heart for the Lord. And God never allowed him to be destroyed.

It's the same with those of us who love God. His light is always available to us. No matter how badly we think we've blown it in our lives, we are never truly in darkness when we look to Him.

Our problem is that when we enter into a dark time, we don't always realize that we have a light within us which never goes out.

I have electricity in my home, but if I don't plug into it, I don't see the light. I have Jesus in my heart, but if I don't plug into Him daily, I won't see His light either, even though it is there. I have to connect with Him. Talk to Him. Worship Him. Spend time with Him.

Whenever we go through difficult times, we anticipate the coming moment when all the pressure is off, the worry has subsided, the healing has manifested, the sadness has lifted, and the pain is gone. We continuously look for God to take away the discomfort we are experiencing. But God wants us to know that even as we wait for those changes to happen, His light is there all the time shining into our darkness. He wants us to trust that, and open our eyes to see it.

No matter how dark things seem in your life, when you walk with God you will find an abundance of His light right where you are. You will never be without it because you have the source of true and everlasting life within you.

So don't worry about seeing or understanding what the future holds. God wants you to trust Him as He leads you, even though you can't see clearly ahead. And don't be overly concerned about fully comprehending the past. Only He knows the whole truth about it, anyway. You have Him now, He is your light. And that's all that matters.

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