Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Broken Hearts Damaged Goods
By Jack Gunthridge

..when you are in a relationship, you do want to actually touch the person.  Talking to the person just isn't the same as feeling that person being there.

At the end of the day, all we really want is to have some sort of human contact and to know that somebody cares about us.

"We can be each other's cocoon.  We've both been hurt by love, but if we use each other to get over all of our previous baggage, we can emerge from this as beautiful butterflies capable of truly loving that person that is worthy of us."

As somebody who maybe guards his heart a little bit too much, I have to admire somebody who has the courage  and nerve to love as if there is no tomorrow.  She knows that by exposing everything that she has to the person she cares for that she is opening herself up to heartache, but she is willing to take that chance.  I think there is someting beautiful about that.  And when I think about it, it is even more beautiful because she has never closed up her heart after having been hurt.  She doesn't judge all men based on what one has done.  She still thinks that there could be a perfect guy for her out there that will give her everything she has been looking for.

She gave her previous lovers all of her heart, and they refused to recognize just what they held in their hands.  Throughout it all, she never gave up her faith in love and being loved. She was a reasonable woman. She just never figured that men would never be able to see what she was offering.

It's funny that guys always say that they don't want to hurt you when what they do ends up hurting you. 

Of all the guys that I've dated, he's the one I've fallen the hardest for.  Part of it has to be that he's the most decent man I've ever met.  He's intelligent, fun to talk to, and he listens....He's the first challenge I've had in a very long time.

She wants somebody to love her.  Guys have made love to her, but they have never loved her.

If I were ever truly honest with myself, I would admit that I love her.  I love how she makes me feel, how she is totally honest with me, how she shows me all of her scars that she has received over the years, and how she doesn't just me for my scars.  And I know that there is a part of her that loves me and wants nothing more than to have me love her in return.  That is what scares me.

I love him.  It would be easier for me to just have sex with him, at least then I wouldn't care about him and the possibility of losing him.  But as it is, I am falling for him more and more each day.  I know that he has had his heart broken, but I could love him more than she did.  Sometimes I think he knows this.  There are times that I know that he cares for me.

I wish I were a guy.  Then I could just tell him that I love him and give us some sort of official status.  Women have to wait for the man to make up his mind.  You never know whether to encourage the man and make him feel safe to tell you what you think he is feeling, or whether you should act like you don't care, so that he wants you even more.  Either way, it hurts waiting.

It's better to secretly love somebody and not to have that love returned than to declare your love and not have it returned.  It might not seem like much of a difference, but at least a secret love allows you to continue to be around the object of the affection.

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