Thursday, March 5, 2009

Adult Behavior

There are people who walk around in grown-up bodies who are not adults. Often they are people of advanced age and accomplishment. They can be people you trust with your life and worldly possessions. In fact, if you are not observant, you may find yourself sleeping with one. Because you are unaware, you expect these grown-ups to act in an adult manner. Then, in a moment of dire need, when you least expect it, you discover that this very grown-up person has no concept of what it means to be an adult. The results can be quite mind-boggling!

An adult is a person who is able to accept total responsibility for themselves and their actions. They don't blame other people for what they cannot do. They don't employ excuses to cover what they have done or not done. An adult is a person who is not afraid to say what is on their mind and say it without attacking you. Adults have a sense of clarity that will keep them calm. Adults will give themselves the benefit of the doubt, knowing that they are human. Because adults accept and acknowledge their own humanness, they can accept and acknowledge yours. Adults do not strive for perfection. They see things as they are and accept them. Adults do not fall apart in the face of disappointment. They answer frustration with patience. Adults know how to take care of their physical, mental and emotional needs, and they are able to put their needs aside in order to handle an emergency. An adult is a person whose attention is not totally focused on their wants and needs. God gets some attention, the adult gets some and you can have the rest.

People are who they are and do what they do whether or not you like it or agree with them. We each have different lessons to learn. We each take a different path to our lessons. There are times when someone's path will cross your path and cause you to stumble or fall. That does not make them wrong. That does not make you right. The only thing that a judgment does is distract you from what it is that you must do for yourself.

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