Thursday, March 5, 2009

Embrace The Place Where You Are

Do you know someone who is not happy with where he or she is in life? They are constantly worried, trying to reason things out, trying to change things that only God can change.

I believe that we create much of our own happiness and frustration by constantly resisting and fighting against situations and circumstances occurring in our lives.

Learn to relax and accept the place where you are. Admittedly, it may not be a great place right now. We all have things we want to see changed, things we want to happen sooner. If we really believe that God is in control and is directing our steps, then we must believe that we are exactly where we are supposed to be. We needn't be wrestling with life and resisting our circumstances all the time.

You need to be at peace with where you are right now. Things may not be perfect. You may have some areas in which you need to improve. But as long as you are living with worry and stress, you are tying the hands of Almighty God. If you could get to a place of peace, God could fight your battles for you. He can turn your negative situations around and use them for good.

Scripture records, "Those who have believed enter in to the rest of God." Being in God's rest means that although you may have a problem, you trust Him to take care of it. It means that you may have a situation that you don't understand, but you are not constantly trying to figure it out. It means you have a dream in your heart, but you are not in a hurry, you're not frustrated because it hasn't come to fruition yet. In other words, when you are really in God's rest, you know that God has you in the palm of His hand. No matter where you are, you accept it as the place God wants you to be.

I'm not saying that God wants you to stay there, but if you are truly trusting Him, if you believe He is in control, then wherever you are--in either good circumstances or bad--that is where you are supposed to be. Maybe something unfair has happened; maybe somebody is not treating you right, or you are struggling financially. Still, that doesn't give you the right to live upset and frustrated.

We have to understand that God has promised He will use whatever comes into our lives for our good. He will use that difficulty to do a work in you. What you are facing currently may not be good, but if you'll keep the right attitude, He'll use it for your good.

God is not going to remove every difficulty from you instantly. He uses those things to refine us, to do a fresh work in us. In the tough times, God develops our character. The fact is, we don't grow nearly as much when everything is easy; we grow when life is difficult, when we are exercising our spiritual muscles, in the pressure spots.

Of course, none of us enjoys being uncomfortable, but it will help you to press through difficult times if you can remember that God is going to get some good out of your discomfort. You will come out of that situation stronger than before, and God is getting you prepared for greater things.

But you have to pass the test. If you are dragging around worried, trying to figure everything out, and fighting against everything that's not going your way, you will simply prolong the process. You must recognize you are where you are for a reason. It may be because of your choices, or maybe it is merely an attack of the enemy. Whatever it is, God will not allow anything to come into your life unless He has a purpose for it. You may not like it; you may be uncomfortable. But if you'll keep the right attitude, in the end, you will come out stronger and better off than you were before.

Understand that your faith will not instantly deliver you out of every problem. Instead, your faith will carry you through the problem. If God removed some of the things that you are praying for Him to remove right now, you wouldn't be prepared for the promotion that He has in store for you. He's using what you are currently going through to get you ready for the good things to come. If you are not getting your way, it doesn't mean that God doesn't love you. If your prayers aren't being answered in the way you want, or on your timetable, it doesn't mean that God is angry with you or that He is trying to punish you.

Get a bigger vision than that. Maybe it means God has something better in store. Maybe it means He's protecting you from danger up ahead. Or maybe God is just trying to do a work in you so He can take you to a whole new level. Why don't you quit resisting everything that's going on in your life? Quit fighting against everything that doesn't go your way.

Maybe God is answering your prayers; He's simply saying no. Or maybe He's saying it's not the right time. Or maybe He's saying, "I'm not going to remove that obstacle until you change your attitude and quit complaining about it." Make some simple adjustments, and you will see things begin to improve.

If you push and manipulate, trying to make things happen, God will sometimes let you have your way--and you will have to learn His lessons the hard way.

God is a gentleman. If you insist, He will back off and let you do things your way. Most of the time when we do that, though, we end up settling for second best.

If events are not happening as quickly as you would like, or if you are not seeing circumstances change in your favor, open your grip on the situation; relax and learn to trust God. Know this: God is on your side. He is not trying to hold you back. Nobody wants you to fulfill your destiny more than Almighty God. Nobody wants you to see your dreams come to pass any more than He does. He put the dream in your heart in the first place. Let Him lead you and guide you.

Thank God, He knows what's best for us. Thank God that He's merciful and He doesn't always give us our way.

Too often, we're shortsighted. We can see only a little ways down the road. God, though, can see the big picture. He knows when something is going to be a dead end. He knows when someone is going to be a distraction that will hinder us from our destiny.

Some of the things you may be frustrated about right now, ten years from now you will look back at and thank God for not answering that prayer the way you wanted or for not opening up that door. You may not be able to see it right now, but that's what faith is all about. Why don't you trust God? Believe that He has you in the palm of His hand and know that when it comes time for God to open a door, no man can keep it shut. No obstacle is too high.

Suddenly, God can turn any situation around. Suddenly, God can cause a door to open. All it takes is one touch of God's favor.

You may be going through some tough times. But remember, God has promised He will never let you go through more than you can handle.

Some things you may never understand this side of heaven. If you are always trying to figure it out, it will only bring frustration and confusion. Learn to trust God, and know that as long as you're doing your best, as long as you're keeping your heart pure before God, you are exactly where you're supposed to be. It may not be easy, but in the end, God is going to use it to your advantage.

One of the most important aspects of faith is trusting God even when we don't understand.

Even in your times of greatest difficulty, even if the botton falls out, you don't have to be distraught and let yourself get all worked up.

If you're in a hard place, be encouraged in knowing that God is still in control of your life. He made your body. He knows your circumstances. Don't sit around depressend and discouraged. Your attitude should be "God, I'm trusting You. I know You can do what men can't do, and I'm committing my life into Your hands."

Quit living frustrated because your prayers weren't answered the way you wanted. Quit being depressed because you're not as far in your career as you had hoped, or because you have a problem in your marriage, or in your finances. No, just keep pressing forward. Keep you joy and enthusiasm. You may not be exactly where you hoped to be, but know this: God is still in control of your life. Moreover, as long as you keep passing the tests, no forces of darkness can keep you from fulfilling your God-given destiny.

You can have that heavy burden lifted off you. You don't have to fight and struggle all the time, trying to change everybody and everything. No, just embrace the place where you are and believe that God is in control. He's doing a work in you. He's guiding and directing you.

If you are currently in a storm, or if you are facing some severe difficulties, hear God speaking to your heart these words: "Rise above it. Quit fighting. Quit trying to change things that only I can change."

Believe that God has a great plan for you life. Friend, if you'll learn to embrace the place where you are, you can rise higher. You'll overcome every obstacle, and you can live that life of victory that God has in store for you!

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