Sunday, March 1, 2009

Keep Pressing Forward

None of us lives or dies to ourselves. A person's good habits as well as their poor choices--the addictions, bad attitudes, and wrong mind-sets--all are passed down.

But the good news is: Every right decision we make, every time we resist temptation, every time we honor God, when we do the right thing, not only are we going to come up higher ourselves, but we're making it a little easier on the generations that will come after us.

Think of it like this: Each of us has a spiritual bank account. By the way we live, we're either storing up equity or storing up iniquity. Equity would be anything good: our integrity, our determination, our godliness. That's storing up blessings. On the other hand, iniquity includes our bad habits, addictions, selfishness, lack of discipline. All of these things, either good or bad, will be passed down to future generations.

Even if you don't have children, you're going to live on through the people you influence. Your habits, attitudes, and what you stand for will be passed down to somebody.

We should love what we're doing. We should go to work every day with enthusiasm, passionate about what we do. I'm not saying we don't have to work hard, or there are not going to be some frustrating days, and some people with whom we'd rather not deal. That's all a part of life. Ultimately, we should enjoy what we're doing. When you get home at night, you should feel that you've accomplished something, that you've helped to make the world a better place.

I really believe when we get into our destiny and we are doing what we know we're called to do, enthusiasm and excitement will exude from us naturally. We may not jump up and down every day, but deep within, we're going to know: This is what I was called to do. This is why I was born. This is my destiny.

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