Monday, March 2, 2009

Making Your Words Work For You

God didn't create any of us to be average. He didn't make us to barely get by. We were created to excel. However, you will never rise above the image that you have of yourself.

Many people suffer a poor self-image because of their own words.

Positively or negatively, creative power resides in your words, because you believe your words more than you believe anybody else's. Think about it. Your words go out of your mouth and they come right back into your own ears. If you hear these comments long enough, they will drop down into your spirit, and those words will produce exactly what you're saying.

That's why it is so important that we get in a habit of declaring good things over our lives every day.

Don't talk about the way you are; talk about the way you want to be. That's what faith is all about. In the physical realm, you have to see it to believe it, but God says you have to believe it, and then you'll see it.

Change the way you speak about yourself and you can change your life.

As you speak affirmatively about yourself, you'll be amazed to discover that you are getting stronger emotionally and spiritually, and that image on the inside is changing for the better.

Perhaps God has whispered something to your heart that seems totally impossible. It may seem impossible for you to ever be well again, or impossible for you to get out of debt, to get married, to lose weight, to start that new business. In the natural, physical realm, all the odds are against you; you don't see how it could happen. But if you're going to see those dreams come to pass, you have to get your mouth moving in the right direction and use your words to help you develop a new image on the inside. No matter how impossible something looks, no matter how you feel, start boldly declaring, "I am strong in the Lord. I can do all things through Christ. I am well able to fulfill my destiny." Call in what God has promised to you.

Don't merely use your words to describe your situation; use your words to change your situation.

With our words, we can prophesy our own future. Declare health, joy, financial blessing, happy and whole relationships. All through the day, you can declare, "I have the favor of God. I can do what I need to do." As you do so, you will be blessing your own life and strengthening your self-image.

If you struggle with depression, use your words to change your situation. You may have been through a lot of disappointments. You may have gone through some setbacks in the past. More than anybody, you need to get up every day and boldly declare, "This is going to be a great day. I may have been defeated in the past, but this is a new day. God is on my side. Things are changing in my favor."

When discouraging thoughts attack, instead of complaining and expecting the worst, say it again and again: "Something good is going to happen to me. I'm a victor and not a victim." It's not enough to merely think positively: You need to speak positiviely about yourself. You need to hear it over and over again. "Good things are coming my way. God is fighting my battles for me. New doors of opportunity are opening."

As you speak affirmatively, you will develop a new image on the inside, and things will begin to change in your favor.

If you will set aside five minutes a day and simply declare good things over your life, you may be astounded at the results. You may prefer to write the statements, so you can have a record of them. It says in Habakkuk to write down your vision. Make a list of your dreams, goals and aspirations as well as the areas you want to improve, the things you want to see changed. Always make sure you can back it up with God's Word. Then get alone with God and take a few minutes every day to declare good things over your life. Remember, it's not enough to read it or merely think about it. Something supernatural happens when we speak it out. That's how we give life to our faith.

Decide today that you will speak only positive affirmations about yourself. You may have a thousand bad habits, but don't let another critical word come out of your mouth toward yourself. Use your words to bless your life. Look in that mirror and call in what you need. The image of your life must change on the inside before it can change on the outside.

Learn to declare good things over your life. If you are negative and critical toward yourself, your own words can stop God's best plan from coming to pass in your life.

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