Thursday, March 5, 2009

Handling Criticism - Keep Yourself Happy

Every one of us will have times when we are criticized, sometimes fairly, but more often unfairly, creating stress in our hearts and minds and tension in our relationships.

Certainly, constructive criticism can be helpful. An insightful point of light presented by someone who truly has your best interest at heart can illuminate an area where you need to improve. Sad to say, most criticism is not intended to build up another person; quite the opposite. It is not given in the spirit of blessing, but is more often presented with an intentional sting. The criticism that hurts the worst is frequently undeserved and unfair. Such criticism is a reflection more of the critic than of the person being criticized.

I've found that unwarranted criticism is most often based on jealousy. It stems from a competitive spirit. You have something that somebody else wants. Instead of being happy for you, instead of keeping a good attitude, knowing that God can do something similar for anyone who trusts Him, jealousy rises up in the critical person.

The more successful you are, the more criticism you will encounter.

Here's the key to handling criticism: Never take it personally.

You have to accept the fact that not everybody is going to like you, not everybody is going to accept you, and you certainly cannot keep everybody happy. Some people will find fault, no matter what you do. You can be there for them a thousand times in a row, but they will remind you repeatedly of that one time when you couldn't show up. Life is too short to try to keep people like that happy.

Understand that your destiny is nt tied to what people are saying about you.

God has the final say.

Another important key is not to allow the criticism to change you. We need to be tough on the outside, but you have to stay tender on the inside. We cannot let cutting remarks and insensitive words cause us to become self-conscious.

God made you like you are on purpose. If people are making fun of you or causing you to feel overly self-conscious, just shake it off. Don't let their comments or actions stick to you.

One of the most important keys to a better life is to keep yourself happy, rather than living to please everybody else.

God does not want you to sacrifice your happiness to keep somebody else happy. Your first priority is to take care of yourself.

You are not responsible for everybody else's happiness. You are responsible for your own happiness. If people are controlling you, it's not their fault; it's your fault.

You needn't be harsh or uncaring, but sometimes we can be so good-hearted that we allow people to control us.

If you are in a relationship where you do the majority of the giving and always encourage or rescue the other person, that is a clear sign that something is out of balance.

Too often, we are controlled by others more than we realize.

Examine how you spend your time and check your motives as to why you do what you do. Is it out of guilt? Is it because somebody is manipulating or controlling you? If so, make some changes. If you don't take control of your life, others will, and they may take you places you don't want to go. You must be secure enough in yourself to tell people no.

A true friend doesn't get upset when you can't meet every one of his or her requests.

Too often, we live to please everybody else, but we neglect to take time to please ourselves.

Always do what you must in love, be kind and respectful, but stand firm and make a decision that you will live in freedom.

Let this be a turning point. If you have been living to please everybody else, or constantly trying to fix everything, rid yourself of that false sense of responsibility. Yes, reach out to others. Yes, be kind and be compassionate. But make sure that you're keeping yourself happy. After God, you are your first priority.

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