Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Become What You Believe

Our thoughts and expectations wield tremendous power and influence in our lives. We don't always get what we deserve in life, but we usually get no more than we expect; we receive what we believe. Unfortunately, this principle works as strongly in the negative as it does in the positive.

You can believe for good things. Expect God to supernaturally turn things around. Quit expecting to fail. Start believing that you are going to succeed. It is crucial that we see ourselves as God sees us, since we will never rise above the image we have of ourselves. If we see ourselves as barely making it, always having problems, never happy, we will subconsciously move toward that sort of life. To move forward in life, we must change our focus. We must believe.

Understand this: God will help you, but you cast the deciding vote. If you choose to stay focused on negative elements in your life, if you focus on what you can't do and what you don't have, then by your own choice you are agreeing to be defeated. You are conspiring with the enemy by opening the door and allowing destructive thoughts, words, actions, and attitudes to dominate your life.

On the other hand, if you'll get into agreement with God, if you'll focus on your possibilities, your faith can cause God to show up and work supernaturally in your life. Your faith will help you overcome your obstacles and allow youto reach new levels of victory. But it's up to you. It depends on your outlook.

Nobody can have faith for you. Certainly, other people can pray for you, they can believe for you, they can quote the Scripture to you, but you must exercise faith for yourself. If you are always depending on somebody else to keep you happy, somebody else to encourage you or to get you out of trouble, you will live in perpetual weakness and disappointment. You must make a decision that you are going to be a believer. Take charge of your life. What you believe has a much greater impact on your life than what anybody else believes.

God wants you to have a good life, a life filled with love, joy, peace, and fulfillment. That doesn't mean it will always be easy, but it does mean that it will always be good. God causes all things to work together for good to those who love Him. Believe for joy and peace and happiness. Start believing for increase and abundance. Become a true believer, knowing that you will become what you believe.

Maybe you have endured terrible disappointments. Unspeakable negative things may have happened to you, to the point that you have ceased believing for anything good to occur in your life. You've lost your dreams. You are drifting through life, taking whatever comes your way. No matter how many setbacks you've suffered, God still has a great plan for your life. You must get your hopes up. If you don't have hope, you won't have faith. And if you don't have faith, you can't please God, and you won't see His power revealed in your life. Keep hope alive in your heart. Don't ever give up on your dreams. Don't allow discouragement or other setbacks to keep you from believing what God says about you.

If you will keep the right attitude, God will take all your disappointments, broken dreams, the hurts and pains, and He'll add up all the trouble and sorrow that's been inflicted on you, and He will pay you back with twice as much peace, joy, happiness, and success. If you'll just believe, if you'll put your trust and confidence in God, He will give you double for your trouble. God wants the latter part of your life to be better than the first part of your life. You are never too far gone with God. Nothing is too hard for our God.

God will not get tired and quit halfway through the process; nor will He renege on His promises. He will continue until you get to where He is taking you. God doesn't want you to be "a little" happy. He doesn't want you to be slightly blessed. He doesn't want you to be partially healed. God wants your life to be characterized by joy, and He wants your joy to be full. He wants you to live in abundance. He wants to give you the desires of your heart. He wants you to be complete and content.

When times get tought or things don't go your way, keep your confidence up. When discouragements come or when people tell you that your dreams are never going to come to pass, you're never going to be happy, and you can never change, boldly remind yourself who is at work in your life. God is turning things around in your favor. God is opening doors of opportunity for you. He is restoring relationships; He is softening people's hearts toward you. God is completing what He started. You may not see anything happening with your natural eyes, but you must believe that in the unseen world, God is at work on your behalf.

Remember, no weapon formed against you is going to prosper. That doesn't mean that there will not be opposition in your life; there will be weapons formed against you, and they may be formidable and frightening. But they cannot ultimately hurt you. Your future is intact with God. You will not go under, you will go through. The Bible says when you've done all you know how to do, just keep on standing strong. You've got to show your enemy you are more determined than he is. Keep praying, keep believing, keep singing songs of praise. Keep fighting the good fight of faith. If you do that, God promises to bring you out with the victory.

You've got to believe good things are on their way. You must believe that God is at work in your life, that He is restoring you to your rightful place. In other words, you've got to see those things coming to pass. It has to be conceived in your heart. Look at life through your eyes of faith into that invisible world and see your dreams coming to pass.

You may not be able to perceive anything positive happening in your life with your natural eyes today. In fact, everything may be falling apart - your finances, your health, your business, your family. You may have all kinds of problems, and in the natural order, it doesn't look as though anything is turning around. But don't be discouraged. Look into that invisible world, into the supernatural world, and through your eyes of faith, see that situation turning around. See your joy and peace being restored.

The world tells you, "You need to see it to believe it." But God says just the opposite. Only as you believe it will you ever see it. You've got to look out through your eyes of faith and see it. Once you see it by faith, it can come into existence in the physical world. God wants to do a new thing in your life. Don't limit Him with your small thinking. Have a big vision for your life. Dream bigger dreams. Live with faith and expectancy. You will become what you believe.

God is trying to plant the new seed of victory inside us. He's trying to get us to conceive. He knows if we don't conceive in our hearts through faith, it will never come to pass. Too many times, we delay God's promise and favor because of our limited thinking. The condition of our hearts is not right. We're filled with doubt and unbelief. The tragedy is, if we don't change our believing, we could go through our entire lifetimes missing out on the great things God has in store for us.

Please stop limiting God with your narrow-minded thinking. Learn how to conceive. Keep the image of what you want to become in front of you. You're going to become what you believe. Stop focusing on what you can't do, and start focusing on what God can do. You don't have to figure out how God is going to solve your problems. You don't have to see how He's going to bring it to pass. That's His responsibility; that's not your job. Your job is to be a believer. Your job is to live with faith and expectancy. Just turn that situation over to God and trust Him to take care of it. God is a supernatural God. God can do what human beings cannot or will not do. He is not limited to the laws of nature. And if you'll let that seed take root so it can grow, put your trust and confidence in the Lord, God will surely bring it to pass. If you can see the invisible, God will do the impossible.

Don't restrict your vision; instead, begin seeing yourself as God's child. See yourself as receiving good things from your heavenly Father. If you'll do your part by believing, having a big vision for your life, living with faith and expectancy, and seeing yourself as God sees you, God will take you places that other people said were impossible to experience this side of Heaven. You will become what you believe!

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