Monday, January 26, 2009


When God works in people's lives, He condemns the sin, but He never condemns the sinner. His Word demonstrates love for the individual and nurtures and encourages him or her to come up out of that sin and to press on. God condemns the sin, but He gives mercy to the sinner, so we never need to be afraid to let God show us what we are doing wrong. When conviction comes on us, it is God speaking to us because He wants to help us in some area. He is not condemning us, but He's trying to let us know that He wants us to live a long and healthy life. When the Holy Spirit speaks to your conscience about changes that are needed, pray right then. Ask God to deliver you and bring about those changes through your faith in Jesus.

If our heart is right, and we do the best we know to do when we hear from Him, God will redeem us and honor our steps of obedience. If we move in child-like trust to obey what we believe in our heart He has told us to do, even if that decision is wrong, God will take that mistake and work it our for our good.

If you want God's will in your life more than anything else, if you've done everything you know to do to hear from Him, then you have to take a chance, step out, and believe. Many people are afraid to move because they think that if they make a mistake, God will be angry with them. But this is where trusting His character is so vital to walking in faith. People who are too afraid to obey are so miserable anyway that they couldn't get any worse off by stepping out and trying to do what God is telling them to do.

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