Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Reprogramming Your Mental Computer

Sometimes you simply have to choose to see the bright side of situations. When things don't work out as you planned, rather than complaining, look for something good in your circumstances. Fill your mind with good thoughts.

Your mind is similar to a computer. What you program into it dictates how it will function. We were created in the image of God. Before we were ever formed, He programmed us to live abundant lives, to be happy, healthy, and whole. But when our thinking becomes contaminated, it is no longer in line with God's Word. We make serious mistakes and wrong choices. We go through life with low self-esteem, worries, fears, feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. Making matters worse, we pass on our negative attitudes to others.

When you recognize these things happening, you must reprogram your computer. You must change your thinking. Understand, you are not defective. God made you, and He has programmed you for victory.

If you go around thinking sad thoughts all the time, you're going to feel sad. If you go around thinking angry thoughts, you're going to be angry. But if you go around thinking happy thoughts, thoughts of victory, you're going to be happy. You're going to be victorious. You cannot go around all day long thinking about the people who have hurt you and all the mistakes you've made, and expect to live any kind of happy, positive life. You've got to let go of the past and start dwelling on the fact that God has a great future in store for you. He has a new beginning for you. Start dwelling on the fact that God has promised He will turn this situation around and use it to your advantage. Choose to think on good things. You have to reprogram your mental computer, and when you do, your emotions will follow.

We must choose to dwell on the positive, choose to dwell on the good. The negative is always going to be around us. We have to choose to dwell on what's right, rather than on what's wrong. Choose to dwell on what you have, not on what you don't have. Choose to think the right thoughts. You cannot prevent negative thoughts from knocking at your door, but you can control whether or not you're going to open the door and allow them to come in. You can have peace in the midst of your storms if you'll simply learn to choose the right thoughts. That means in the tough times of life, instead of dwelling on your problems, you must decide that you will dwell on your God. Dwell on the fact that Almighty God is on your side. Dwell on the fact that He's promised to fight your battles for you. Dwell on the fact that no weaon formed against you can prosper. If you start thinking these kinds of thoughts, you will be filled with faith and confidence, no matter what comes against you in life.

You may have gone through some disappointments, and things in your life may not have turned out as you had hoped. People may have treated you wrong. You may have suffered some major setbacks. But you never come to a dead end with God. He always has a new beginning available for you. Start dwelling on the solution. Dwell on the fact that God still has a great plan in store for your life. When one door closes, God will always open up a bigger and better door. But you have to do your part and stay in an attitude of faith, stay filled with hope.

Understand, this is an ongoing battle. We never get to a place where we don't have to deal with negative, destructive thoughts. So the sooner we learn how to guard our minds and control our thought lives, the better off we will be. No matter how many years we have trusted in God, or how positively we live, we all will occasionally be susceptible to discouragement. That's part of the price we pay for living in a sinful world.

When we're always worried, upset, or depressed, all we're really doing is delaying God in bringing the victory. God works where there's an attitude of faith. When you are going through a tough time in your life, even if you don't feel like keeping a positive attitude - which, at times, you probably won't - you should do it anyway, knowing that every minute you allow yourself to lapse into a negative attitude is a minute that God cannot work in that situation.

When negative thoughts come, reject them and replace them with God's thoughts. When you're in that attitude of faith, you are opening the door for God to work in your situation. You may not see anything happening with your natural eyes, but don't let that discourage you. In the unseen realm, in the spiritual world, God is at work. He is changing things in your favor. And if you'll just do your part and keep believing, at the right time, God will bring you out with the victory.

The key is to choose the right thoughts, to keep your mind set. Not just when you feel good, not just when things are going your way, not just when you don't have any problems, but even in the tough times of life--especially in the difficult times--you must keep your mind set on the good things of God. Stay focused. Stay full of faith. Stay full of joy. Stay full of hope. Make a conscious decision that you are going to stay in a positive frame of mind.

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