Monday, January 26, 2009

Starting Your Day Right

Our happiness and joy are not dependent on whether or not other people do what we want them to do. We may never be able to influence anyone else to do what we think is right. But with God's help, we can change ourselves to bring about the results we want in life. If you want your life to be different, ask God to show you how you need to change. Accept others for who they are, and see how God works in you to complete your joy.

God can strengthen us to the point that we can make progress even during trouble. Trials and testing do not come to cause us to lose stability. They are opportunities to prove the strength of God. We don't have to waiver in our confidence. Nothing will keep us from making progress today because God is our strength.

We need to be strengthened and renewed on a daily basis. We need to be strengthened physically, mentally, and emotionally. We need to be strong so we do not fall apart every time we have to face some situation we had not planned on. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, and He expects us to develop stability in our lives. We can be strengthened and renewed by drawing strength from God, by exercising our faith, and by doing what He tells us to do.

Don't wait until you are in trouble to seek God. Ask Him to keep you from being tempted to sin.

Avoid getting negative when you look at your circumstances. Actively wait on God to give you strength to walk in the fruit of the Spirit. Wait with purpose, silently listening for Him to speak, eagerly watching for Him to act.

Some people feel their lives are an emotional mess, but they have a right to stability. There is stability, peace and power in the presence of God. People don't have to let their emotions control them; they can learn to dwell in the secret place of the Most High.

God has a plan for each of us, and the good things that happen to us are not just a coincidence. All good and perfect gifts come from God. It is exciting to have a relationship with God when we are aware that He is carefully leading and guiding us to His blessings. If you don't understand something the first time God speaks to you, He will give you another chance and will continue to teach you until you know clearly the way you should go. This means that He will find you if you go astray.

Instead of chasing after blessings, we need to chase after God. If we chase God, He will chase us with blessings. God's economy doesn't work the way we think it would. First is last, and last is first. If we want more, we are to give away some of what we have. To be great in God's Kingdom, we must serve the needs of others. And if we want blessings, we must get our minds off of them. God knows what we want and what we need. He wants to give us blessings that we haven't even verbally asked for.

Everything that we receive from God comes by faith. When you are waiting for Him to speak to your heart, just believe that He will speak to you, even if you don't hear anything right that minute. Believe that because you have acknowledged Him, you can expect to see His hand moving in your life all day long. Then step forward, knowing that He will keep you on the right path because you have asked Him to do so. Watching God's hand of favor move on your behalf is one of life's greatest delights.

Our contenment won't last if we are not obeying God by seeking Him with our whole heart. God wants us to really talk to Him and pay attention to His answers. Spend enough time with Him to walk in victory all day.

When you receive to truth of God's Word in your heart, it automatically takes root and begins to work in your life! You may not always see it right away. You may not always feel it, but know that God began a good work in you, and He is faithful to complete it. When you are faithful to receive His Word, it opens the door for Him to work.

Remember, you made your schedule, and you can change it. Pray about your day, your week, and your life goals to find out what God wants you to do, and what He doesn't want you to do. If you don't do what God is telling you to do, you may let people control and manipulate you to do what they want you to do. You may end up doing things for which you are not anointed. If you do what God tells you to do, He will bless you with joy, peace, rest, and wonderful relationships.

We all have gifts and talents far beyond what we use, but many of us are so worn out that we don't feel like doing anything. Stop working all the time, and enjoy yourself. If you don't rest, you are going to cut down your production and stifle your creativity. You don't have to work at God's plan for you; He will cause it to come to pass. Rest in Him. If you are worn out all the time, it will affect your spiritual life because you won't want to pray, study the Word, or walk in the fruit of the Spirit. If you are tired, it is time to re-energize your life. Wait on God to lead you, and get the rest you need to enjoy your walk with Him.

Don't work so hard that you miss your time with God. Rest is important for your spiritual and physical life. The need for rest can't be ignored; it is a law of God. Find time to be still on a regular basis. It is in moments of rest that you are most likely to hear God speak to you.

It is not how much we do, it is the quality of what we do that makes the difference. Most people will admit that they need to spend more time developing good relationships. You can't be a good friend to somebody if you never put any time into your relationship. Ask God to bring someone to mind that He would like for you to bless today. Then follow through and let that person know that God brought them into your heart.

Each morning we need to come clean with God. If there is anything between un and God, when we try to pray and get into His presence, it will bother us until we deal honestly with it. God wants us to confess our faults. We don't really like to confront wrongdoing as we should. Most of us like to make excuses, but excuses keep us deceived. An excuse is a reason stuffed with a lie.

People beg God for forgiveness but forget to say, "I receive that forgiveness right now, I believe I am forgiven." Mercy is a free gift. You can't earn it, you can't deserve it, and you can't buy it. The only thing you can do is receive it. Just humble yourself, and accept God's forgiveness.

Even when we have the best intentions to do good, we still fall short. God tells us to receive, not strive to get, but just to receive new mercy for each day.

By faith, we take the step God has shown us, and then He gives us the next one. At times, we may fall down and must get back up; we may stumble, but He always helps us. We continue on by His strength and His grace, knowing that every time we face a fork in the road, God will guide us.

Don't just go to God and talk to Him when you want or need something; also spend time with Him just listening. He will open up many issues if you will be still before Him and simply listen.

Everything that is right for our lives has a place on the inside of us, where it is going to settle comfortably. God may call us to do something we don't always like in the flesh, but deep inside it will give us pleasure if it is truly a calling from God.

God has a will and a plan for everyone. Each peron needs to find out what it is God wants him or her to do, then wait on His timing to do it.

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