Sunday, February 15, 2009

About Love

Love is simple. We make it hard with our trappings, expectations and demands. We make loving difficult, painful, hurtful and regrettable because we keep trying to figure out how to do love, give love and get loved right. We place limits, restrictions and conditions on our loving and those we love. Sometimes it works. Usually it does not. Then, when we don't get the right kind of love, we feel hurt. We blame love.

Love does not hurt! Falling into the traps we set to get and keep love makes us hurt ourselves. Love is! It is the experience of joy we have when we have the courage to tell the truth, when we have the courage to be exactly who we are and when we allow those we love to do the same. Love is not what we have been told it is by others who have been hurt. Love is not what we have seen in pictures. Love is not a tool or a weapon. Love is the key. It is the key that allows you to see more in yourself, for yourself and about yourself than you would ever dare to show the world.

Love is simple! You simply give love for the sake of love, or you don't! You simply know love and share love, or you don't! You simply are love without demands and expectations or you will continue to fall into traps and hurt yourself because you fail to acknowledge yourself as the love you keep trying to get right!

Until today, you may have believed that there were things you had to do to get love. You may have demanded that others do things to prove their love for you. Just for today, be devoted to evaluating beliefs you hold about love. Take this opportunity to ask yourself whether or not you believe that you are loved, loving and loveable!

The voice of love is always calling out to you. It is whispering gently into your heart, reminding you, "I am here for you! I love you just as you are!" Love offers you everything you need and desire. Love wants to give those things and more because love recognizes the jewel that you are. Do you recognize the jewel that love is and offers?

Love wants to hold you, comfort and lift you. Love knows you! It knows what you have to offer life. More important, you don't have to work to get love! The only work love requires of you is the work you must do on yourself. Work on your heart, your mind, your behavior, your false notions about love that have caused the pain, confusion and despair you believe has something to do with love. While you are working on yourself, love wants you to be aware! Keep your eyes open because there are many things masquerading as love that are not at all loving.

Love will not leave you, nor will it ever dishonor you. Love will not rush you. Love will not come to take anything from you. Love gives to you! Love protects you! Love is the voice of God whispering to you from within yourself. The voice of love telles you that God loves you right now! No matter where you are of what you have done. The voice of love is asking you to tell love where you hurt, tell love why you hurt, tell love how you got hurt. Love wants you to know that it doesn't matter who hurt you, why they hurt you or how long you have been hurting. Love wants you to know that just a little bit of God will heal you!

Until today, you may not have realized that the voice of love is God's voice calling out to you. You may have been so busy trying to find love that you were not available to hear its call. Just for today, listen closely for the voice of love. Be diligent in remembering that love is always available to care for you and heal whatever is ailing you.

You have to really love someone to tell them the truth. Because you love them, you want them to have all the information available to help them be the best they can be. You tell them the truth because you want them to be able to make choices and decisions. You want them to have everything they need to fully weigh their options. More important, when you really love someone, you want to tell them the truth as a sign of your respect for them. You not only love them, you respect that they are capable of handling the truth!

It is not a sign of loving someone to withhold information you think will disturb them. It is understandable that you want to spare their feelings. However, it is not loving! It is not a sign of loving someone to do things you know will cause them grief and lie to them about what you have done. When you love someone, you conduct yourself in ways that not only honor them, but in ways that honor you! When you love yourself, you honor yourself. When you honor yourself, you can honor others with the truth.

It is not a sign of loving someone to watch them engage in conduct that is potentially dangerous and to say nothing. You may not know what to say or how to say it, but if you love someone, you will figure out a way. You will figure out a way to let them know you cherish and honor them, but that you do not support their behavior. When you love someone, it is okay not to like their behavior. It is also okay to let them know. When you love someone enough to tell them the truth, chances are you are giving them exactly what they need in order to realize just how much you really do love them.

Until today, you may have been withholding the truth, censoring the truth or deciding just how much truth a loved one can handle. Just for today, be devoted to finding loving ways to let others know the truth about themselves that you already know. Whatever you have to say, begin with "I love you so much!"

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