Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Loving Confusion

Have you confused loving someone with wanting to be in a loving relationship with them? Have you confused caring about someone with wanting to be around them all of the time? Have you confused having needs and desires with needing to have those desires fulfilled? Chances are if you have confused any of these things, you may not know it.

It is perfectly natural and normal for a human being to want the companionship of another human being. We want to be held and heard, honored and respected, cherished and valued by someone. You can have these things in your life, in one form or another, but if they are not tied up in the bow of an intimate, loving relationship, you may wonder why nobody wants to be in a relationship with you.

We get confused about what a relationship is and what it says about us. We confuse the need for loving care and concern with our desire to be in an intimate union. We also confuse a good, loving, platonic relationship with some form of rejection. To be in a relationship is a choice! Human beings have a right to choose to be or not to be in a relationship. What they choose may have nothing to do with you.

People can love you and care about you without experiencing you in an intimate, loving relationship.

I know this may be a little hard for you to swallow. It may also be confusing. I offer you this: Cool out on the demand to be in an intimate, loving relationship! Open your eyes to the love in the relationships you have right now!

Until today, you may have been confused about the people who chose not to have an intimate relationship with you. Just for today, be devoted to embracing the love, support and comfort you receive in the relationships you have with family, friends and coworkers.

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