Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Heartache Noone Sees

It seems as if the curse of our culture is loneliness. This is the romantic dream of our culture that somewhere out there is the one person who would completely see us and love us. What lies beneath that romantic dream? Where did that desire come from? It seems to me that the longings we have as human beings that remain unfulfilled stand as evidence to the fact that we were made to be in perfect relationship with God.

The truth is that life on this planet is lonely at times, and being in relationship with God and others doesn't completely erase that. We all experience loneliness.

As long as we are looking for someone to fill us up, we will be disenchanted and needy, and rather than cause others to want to be in relationship with us, we will push them far away, deepening our pain.

I believe that God has something to say to us that will set us free from the chains of resentment and hurt. We would love to think that some man would come along and really see all our wounds and needs and bring total healing and restoration. That's not realistic. No human being is equipped to fill the emptiness in another's life.

We come to Christ with baggage from the past, and that is what He wants to heal us from. It doesn't mean that we will never hurt again or escape the harsher reality of life. It means that we will invite Him to mend our broken hearts and give us a right understanding of life so that we can live in this world and process information correctly.

Sometimes people live with abuse because they don't want to be alone. One of the most difficult callings in life is to be married. One of the most difficult callings in life is to be single. One of the most difficult callings in life is to be human. We are born with a need to belong, to find our place.

Whether we are looking for signs and wonders, physical healing, or a balm for our wounded souls, underneath it all we are longing for God. We might not recognize that, but we are made to be in intimate relationship with Him. When we are not, we try to fill that void with whatever we perceive to be our greatest felt need. Underneath it all we want God to be real to us, to touch us.

God asks that we be hungry for Him, seek Him, kneel down and roll our burdens onto Him. The greatest gift that you and I can give ourselves is to fall in love with Jesus. Everything else in this life is temporary; only life with Him has any lasting meaning.

God's love is a gift, not a reward for good behavior.

It is a mystery that God physically heals some people and not others. There are many things on this side of eternity that we simply don't know or understand. What we do know is that God will be with us in the moments that make sense and in the moments that make no sense at all.

We can become used to having a broken heart. Whether our broken hearts are a result of things that have been done to us, such as abuse or tragic loss, or whether we struggle with depression and anxiety that can be genetically inherited, the effect on the heart is the same. Only Christ can heal us.

Our very wounds, when offered to Christ, become beacons of hope to others. When you have had your heart broken, you understand what it's like to suffer, to feel despair. You recognize that drowning look in the eyes of someone else.

You don't have to be perfect, just perfectly convinced that love is the only way to reach a broken heart.

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