Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Keep Your Heart of Compassion Open

So many people today have hurt and pain bottled up inside them. They have nobody they can talk to; they don't really trust anybody anymore. If you can open your heart of compassion and be that person's friend - without judging or condemning - and simply have an ear to listen, you may help lift that heavy burden. You don't have to know all the answers. You just need to care.

Many people simply need somebody they can talk to, somebody with whom they can be honest. They just need a friend they can count on. You will be amazed at what a positive impact you can have in the world if you will just learn to be a good listener.

We need to learn to be better listeners. God can speak to people and tell them what to do while they're speaking to you about their struggle. Don't always be so quick to give your opinion. Be sensitive to what the real need is in the person you hope to help. God wants us to take time for people, to hear with our hearts, to show them we're concerned, to show them we really care.

When you feel love, you are feeling God. That's God talking to you. When you feel compassion toward someone, that's God's way of telling you to be a blessing to that person. Go encourage them. See how you can make his or her life better.

Let love lead you through life. Don't ever ignore the feeling of compassion inside you. Learn to follow the flow of God's divine love. He will direct your paths and show you where and how to express it.

When you make other people happy, God will make sure that your life is filled with joy.

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