Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Life Tested Word Pictures

I used to feel like a valuable old chair that was scratched and painted numerous times, and then abandoned in a garage. But wonderfully, God has stripped off the old paint, polished and cared for me, and put me in a special place in His living room. He has given me life again!

I feel like a helpless caterpillar, cut and bruised from the pain of life, but I've finally been wrapped in a healing cocoon of love. I can already tell that the wings of a monarch butterfly are beginning to emerge. Soon I'll be healed and more beautiful than ever. I can't wait!

Marrying you was like getting a release from life's prison of loneliness. For thirty-six years, I spent every night in solitary confinement. I now spend each night in a garden of love, with the one I love sleeping next to me.

My husband treats me like a roomful of priceless antiques. He walks in, picks me up, and holds me with great care and tenderness. I often feel like I'm the most precious thing in our home. He saves the best hours and his best effort for me, not the television.

There have been times over the years when I've faced hailstorms that I thought would turn into tornadoes. But like the shelter of a storm cellar, I can always run to my husband to protect me from hardship. He's as solid as a rock, and I know he'll always be there when the storm clouds blow into my life.

My wife's love is like a huge glass of iced tea on a hot summer day. It's cool and crisp, and it's refreshment restores my strength and quenches the thirst of my dry, dusty soul.

When I was first married, I felt like a beautiful, handcrafted, leatherbound, gold-trimmed book that had been presented to my husband as a gift from God. At first I was received with great enthusiasm and excitement - cherished, talked about, shared with others, and handled with care. As time has gone by, I've been put on the bookshelf to collect dust. Once in awhile he remembers I'm here. But if only he would take me off the shelf and open me up! If only he'd see how much more I have to offer him!

You're as beautiful and delicate to me as the most expensive piece of Waterford crystal. Looking at you is like looking at a work of art, skillfully crafted by masters. Your every facet is unique and perfect in its own way. You sparkle in a rainbow of light, and every day I catch a new reflection of why I love you so much.

Your love is to me what going to McDonald's is to kids - especially when they get to order all the chocolate shakes and french fries they can eat!

Your quiet, gentle spirit is like a delicate, beautiful flower. Sometimes, I get frustrated when you don't open up and share your feelings with me. But I've learned that if I'm patient and wait until you're ready, you'll bloom and share with me in a beautiful way.

When I woke up this morning, I got to thinking about your love being like a snowflake. It's gentle, soft, and unique in its every expression. And like an evening snowfall, your love blankets me when I awaken.

When I think of our marriage, I feel like Cinderella. Never in my wildest dreams did I think you'd ever want me. Yet, the slipper fit. And life with you, my Prince Charming, has been all I envisioned in my little-girl dreams!

My husband's love is like a huge ice cream sundae, without the calories! It is sweet and pleasing, and no matter how much I want, there's always more than enough.

When I'm with you, I feel like I'm sleeping on a warm, comfortable waterbed. I can rest at night, always knowing that you'll be there for me. Your understanding gently rocks me to sleep, and the time I spend with you always leaves me refreshed and ready for a new day.

My friend is like a charming easy chair with big soft cushions. I'm always comfortable and secure with her. She's there for me whenever I need her. I know I can relax, take my shoes off, lean back, and just enjoy being with her. I'm so thankful for such a wonderful friend!

I've got a special friend who acts like a flashlight to me. When I'm lost or in the dark, sure enough - I see his light, piercing through the darkness, coming toward me. Then he leads me home to safety. At times, he even points his light on a problem area in my life that I've been trying to keep in the dark. I've learned to appreciate that.

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